Saturday, March 28, 2020

Team Update: Taking Advantage of the Quiet

Team Update: Taking Advantage of the Quiet

Well, it’s been a strange few weeks that’s for sure. The world has definitely slowed down and we’re forced to take a step back. With the kids still out of school, many of us parents working from home, and staying in other than to pick up the essentials, we’ve learned to accommodate. And honestly, living a quieter, slower paced life is refreshing. In some ways this feels like the change that we all need. The opportunity to not have excuses to spend time resting, having quality time with the kids and our pets, and reevaluating our priorities feels like a hard reset. Although we still continue to work from home, the team is spending their down time in all sorts of ways. Check out what we’ve been up to!


Laurel is challenging herself to cook more homemade meals. If you know Laurel, you know she’s not one to cook but having limited restaurant options has really forced her to challenge herself. What do they say, “desperation is the mother of invention”? There might be a Top Chef in the making here! Either way, we’re super proud of Laurel for getting out of her comfort zone.

Once the nicer spring weather arrives, Laurel is also looking forward to getting some yard work done! She doesn’t love gardening or yard maintenance but she’s using this as her chance to get it over with! And due to social distancing, she shouldn’t have any distractions and should be able to get the items on her to-do list done in no time (take down the Christmas lights, build a shed, rip out some old bushes, etc.). Way to go, Laurel on getting things done!


Well, this wasn’t the March break that Amy and her kiddos were hoping for- staying isolated in their own home with no options to go play at the park, play dates, and participate in local March break activities.

Thankfully Amy has a trampoline in her backyard, bikes the girls can ride up and down the street and the connections of the internet!

Amy’s fam has done their best to stay fit and active, getting as much fresh air as possible. They’ve taken the dog (Cooper) for many walks and jogs. They have had many private living room workouts thanks to fitness blender on YouTube! They’ve played various games of Trouble, Connect four, Monopoly Jr and baked cookies!  In between all this… Amy has been a referee, constantly telling them to stop telling on each other, stop fighting, stop name calling! Sometimes three kids is a crowd! They’re constantly competing for attention and want to exclude one kid from the group! In the evenings Amy has been staying social thanks to Her and her girlfriends had wine together this week!

Amy is really trying to stay as positive as she can with the current social distancing situation! She’s looking at this as a blessing for most families with being so busy with everyday life, never having the opportunity to slow down and be in the moment! This isolation is giving everyone that option to be completely in the moment with our families, to engage with them! Let’s not waste this time! Before we know it life will be back to normal with the day to day hustle and bustle! We LOVE Amy’s positive perspective on this. You go girl!


On March 19th Sarah and the family celebrated her son, Toby’s 5th birthday in a less than usual way for their family. The kids enjoyed drawing chalk on the sidewalk, getting their energy out at the park (before it closed), playing with new presents, and video calling the grandparents. Definitely not a typical Copoc birthday party, but hey they made the best of it and had a great time with the family. Happy 5th Birthday, Toby from all of us here!


This time of social distancing for Emma has meant a few things. Firstly, getting things done around the house like cleaning out junk drawers (we all have them). Second being that she’s experimented being active in different ways aside from going to the gym, like home workouts and running outside. This is a big deal for Emma considering she hasn’t done any road running since high school *insert nervous emoji lol* So far it’s been a success and she’s loving the fresh, spring air.

If you know Emma you know she loves to cook and bake. Having a little more quiet time has given her no excuses to not make banana bread, cookies, and homemade soup. So you could say her family is eating well!


Dawn and her husband have decided to keep their personal distance by  going to their cottage in Northern Ontario. The deer certainly aren’t keeping their personal distance.  They are finding pleasure in feeding them and watching them from their  window along with the many different varieties of birds that are out in full force. The robins are out also so this is a good sign the spring is in the air. Until then they are staying inside where it’s safe and sound.

They also got creative and made an over the island pot hanger with and old antique heat grate from a century home. Works great for them at the cottage! And of course they are FaceTiming with their kids and their grandson, Benjamin. We love that Dawn and her husband are able to enjoy some time enjoying the nature. That’s the best kind of relaxation!


Exciting things are coming for Steve and his wife, Vanessa come June of this year. Finn, their son, is going to be a big brother! The Assel family is taking the quiet time to get ahead on the spring cleaning, organization and getting the nursery ready for the new baby boy or baby girl. Even more exciting is that they are waiting to find out the gender. The team is thrilled for their growing family and can’t wait to see how the baby’s room turns out!

The rest of our team has been taking the time to rest, recharge, and spend time with their families and their pets. We are still working from home so just remember we are here for YOU- just a phone call or email away. We hope everyone is taking advantage of this time of quiet. We can all use a little more peace. Stay healthy and look after yourselves, everyone. With love, The Munir Group.

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