Sunday, April 26, 2020

How to keep kids occupied

Keeping the Kiddos Occupied

Keeping the kids busy during quarantine is a full time job! Not to mention helping them with their online schooling- wow we’re tired out! Kudos to teachers for all their hard work…seriously! So now that we are well into the weeks of social distancing and no school, the team has been getting creative with how they are keeping their kids occupied. Here are some ideas from the team on what you can do to stave off boredom:

Get Them Involved in the Household Chores

Involving the kids in household tasks such as tidying up, yard work, and cooking is a great teacher. Not only are you teaching them life skills but you’re also creating a sense of value. Kids are curious by nature and will likely jump at the opportunity to help you in the garden or while baking. Alla’s daughter, Ana has been having some fun learning how to bake. Last week she made chocolate cupcakes! Yum! Start out with something easy like enlisting their help with baking cookies, setting the table, or folding laundry.

Games – Of All Types

Sarah has got the stash of all the card and board games for her three boys. Her’s is the house to be at during quarantine we might say…

When Jen was a kid, her and her grandma would make up games. Her grandma would always incorporate some educational piece. She still remembers that’s how she was able to learn all the provinces, territories, their capitals and their official flowers. She would help make the rules and designed and colour the pieces and then she spent hours playing it. It was great! Give the kids a task of making up their own game. That could keep them busy all day!

Show the Pets a Little Extra Love

Let’s be honest, our fur babies LOVE that we are home with them, giving them extra cuddles and going for about 10 walks a day. Emma is pretty sure her dogs, Copper & Rocky, are tired of all the walks she’s taken them on. Cooper, Amy’s dog is also getting tons of love by her and her girls.

Take this down time as your opportunity to help the kids teach your pooch a new trick or to practice some dog training.

Old Movies with Your Favourite Childhood Snacks

This is your chance to relive your youth! Plan for a special movie night or a rainy afternoon inside with your favourite childhood snacks and play your favourite movie from when you were young for your kids. They will love to see what you loved watching when you were their age. And who doesn’t love snacks?

Sarah has also purchased the Studio Ghibli collection and Disney Plus, thank goodness for streaming services!

Enjoy the Outdoors

We’re just starting to see some nice spring weather, so grab the bikes, scooters, roller blades, and chalk and head outside! Sarah and her boys are definitely taking advantage! You can’t go wrong with some time outside enjoying the sunshine.

Laurel has also been taking this time to get ahead on her yard work. Pass the kids a miniature shovel or rake and take it outdoors!

Get Active!

We LOVE how Amy’s girls are getting in on her workouts! What a great way to burn off some energy and keep healthy! There are plenty of online resources, such as YouTube, for some fantastic home workouts! Amy personally recommends Fitness Blender.

Connect Virtually

Are your kids missing their friends? We are too! We’re definitely taking advantage of Facebook Messenger, Zoom, and FaceTime to help the kids keep in touch with their grandparents and friends. Plan video chat dates to help the kids have something to look forward to every week. What are you doing to keep your days fresh and exciting? It’s so easy to let one day roll into the other but with a little variation and enjoying all the small pleasures we’ll make it through. From all of us here at The Munir Group, we hope you are staying healthy and safe.

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